Saturday 17 March 2012

Browns Bay beach


Rangitoto island
Saturday 17th March. Met up with a connection of Jacqui’s; Dawn, Mike and Becky. Dawn is Jacqui’s friend’s daughter and moved to New Zealand from England when she was 21. They live up in Albany on the North Shore which I hadn’t visited. They took me to lunch at a nice pub in Browns Bay where they were serving green beers from Stoke in honour of St Patrick’s Day. We then walked along the beach where we had a great view of Rangitoto Island. When I said I hadn’t properly seen the wharf front in the centre of Auckland they decided to take me down to what’s known as the Viaduct where there are lots of nice restaurants along the water front. It was very busy as there was an around the world yacht race taking place and lots of Irish out celebrating. Apparently it was here that a lot of the rugby world cup games took place. We then went back to their gorgeous house. The area they live in looks more English than other areas I’ve been to as it was very rural like at home. After a nice chat and snoop around their house, Dawn dropped me back to Titirangi. I had a really nice day with Dawn and her family but it had left me craving cake so I went up into the village to get some only to find they didn’t sell it!

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