Thursday 8 March 2012

Tuesday 21st Feb. Tanya dropped me at the Auckland museum on her way to work. Its in a really great location on a hill overlooking Auckland. There was a big section on Maori culture so I spent lots of time looking at that. There were unusual larger exhibits like a life size Maori temple and a war boat. There was even a video on Maori rugby, I hadn't realised the Maori's have their own NZ rugby team. After looking at the Maori section I looked around other parts of the museum looking at NZ birds, old fashions, volcanoes and stuffed animals. I then went to a Maori show which was the highlight of the day. They showed us Maori games, songs, fighting techniques, dancing. They showed us how the Maori's often move their wrists around when singing or dancing as to them it represents life. However the best part was the haka where even the woman joined in! They told us that movements like the bulging of the eyes and protrusion of the tongue signal strength and intimidation. I then went down to a kind of flower house just next to the museum which was really pretty. I ended up having some spare time before my bus came so got my favourite cookies and cream ice cream and read in the gardens.

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