Sunday 29 January 2012

Friday 27th Jan. Jonathan was back at work today so Maddie took me to get a croissant for breakfast at this great bakery. We then went and did a walk around Bondi beach right along the coast which went over to Tamarama and Bronte beach. We only went to Tamarama but it was a really lovely the walk. I found it funny how a cemetery had prime real estate position above Bronte beach looking out over the ocean. We then went to look around Jonathan's offices. They were really cool and as we walked in there was a bike attached to the wall. They also have a white room for meetings and I liked how when any employee goes abroad they have to bring back a snow globe, they have quite a collection.  We then went to lunch in a nice place in Paddington. Afterwards Jonathan returned to work and Maddie and I went into the city. She showed me around the QVB which is a gorgeous old Victorian shopping arcade. I wanted to do the Sydney tower but Maddie wasn't up for it so I went up while she got a massage! The tower experience started with a short 4d movie which we wore the special glasses for. The movie basically was different views of Sydney. We actually got splashed with water as it zoomed in on someone surfing. It also went under water with jelly fish and bubbles came out of the screen. The film then zoomed in on a shark and I had to take my glasses off! After the film we went up in a small lift, group by group, to the observation deck. Although it wasn't a really clear day it was still a great view and I didn't feel at all worried by being up so high. I took lots of pictures and came back down to find Maddie who then showed me the Ivy Pool club which is like a very high market bar. In the evening Hip and Rob came over with my stuff and we went to North Bondi Italian. I had something which resembled fish and chips which was really good, although I was joking with Jonathan that nobody does it better than the English. After a really fun night, Hip and Rob left and we went back to Jonathan's to tease him about being nasty on Australia's next top model.
Australia day

boats on harbour
Bondi at night
Bondi lifeguard hut

Thursday 26th Jan. Happy Australia Day! Jonathan and Maddie took me for breakfast at an amazing place called Porch and Parlour in Bondi. I had muesli, yoghurt and pear and it was delicious. We then quickly set off to Jonathan's friend Dom's house in Balmain who took us out on his parent's boat and around the harbour. The weather had been really bad in the morning and we even thought it might have been cancelled so I wore jeans. By mid afternoon it was absolutely boiling and I was so hot in my jeans. There were loads of boats out in the harbour including a P&O cruise ship donning a massive Australia flag. Circular quay was packed and there were loads of elaborately dressed up boats competing for the best dressed boat. We went for lunch at a cafe in Elizabeth bay right next to where I had stayed with Marie and Tom. Whilst there lots of jets flew past and there were lots of helicopters around. We went down towards Manley and the entrance to the harbour and met with some of Dom's girlfriend's friends. After a while we decided to head back and on our way saw people sky diving out of a plane with Australia flags attached to them and into the water. After we'd got back we were all quite tired so we headed back to Jonathan's apartment in Bondi. I went for a lovely walk along the beach and being a fan of Bondi rescue took lots of pictures of the lifeguard hut. I was looking out for a real Bondi rescue and was gutted not to see one! In the evening we got some takeaway sushi and watched Man on a Wire which was surprisingly really good.
circular quay

doyles, ferry and harbour bridge

north and south head - harbour entrance

fort denison
Wednesday 25th Jan. Having had a great time at Tom and Marie's I took the ferry back to Mosman (where Hip lives) to take back my stuff. I then quickly headed out getting the ferry to circular quay as I had booked a Captain cook coffee cruise. This cruise basically takes you all around the harbour and tells you bits about the homes and bays. The weather was terrible but it was still good and I saw a lot. I learnt that Sydney harbour is the biggest natural harbour in the world and has 66 bays. I've got to know the harbour quite well so knew the areas like Kirribilli and Rose bay but it was cool to learn more things about them. I also found out that a few years ago a navy diver was swimming off Rose bay and was attacked by a bull shark and lost a leg! We went past a nudist beach and despite the rain caught a man sat on the rocks which is apparently where they hang out.  The water was very choppy around the entrance to the harbour and we saw a Manley ferry getting soaked. The cruise was 2hrs and so after we'd been around the main harbour we headed out to the other side of the bridge and I got to see the fish markets and Anzac bridge. I would recommend a harbour cruise to anyone going to Sydney and although it was a very rainy day I still enjoyed it. Later, Jonathan came over for tea to take me back to his. After a couple of attempts by Hip and Jonathan, it was found that my suitcase would not fit in his Porsche so I had to pack a smaller bag with Hip and Rob bringing over my bag on friday. We then left to pick up Maddie (Jonathan's fiancee) from the airport as she had come back from Melbourne after visiting her family.

Saturday 28 January 2012

weighing the dumpling dough

steaming the food

making dumplings

King's Cross coke sign
Tuesday 24th Jan. Had planned on visiting the Sydney tower today but was hit by a wave of tiredness so decided to have as whats known in Australia as a 'blob' day. It was absolute bliss and I just napped and watched UKTV all day. We went out to Chinese restaurant Din Tai Fung in the evening which specialises in dumplings. I've always been pretty terrible with chopsticks but found them hard to eat even with a fork. The food was great though and feels so light going down, I suddenly realised how much I'd eaten and felt quite sick. We went to China town after which was surprisingly quiet considering it had been chinese new year the night before. We got some custard balls which were like mini doughnuts with hot custard in them and were so tasty. On the way back to the house I took a photo of the heritage listed King's cross coke sign. I also took a picture of the Harry's cafe de wheels stand while Tom got petrol although the photos aren't great so I haven't put them on.

my bathroom

my room
Monday 23rd Jan. Have gone to stay with Marie and Tom, Tanya's aunt and uncle. They live in Elizabeth Bay in Sydney which is close to the red light district of King's cross! They look after the amazing property of an Australian millionaire and I got to stay in the fabulous guest apartment. Marie gave me a  tour of the house which really showed me how the other half live with 17th century tapestries decorating the stairs and an elevator. I also met Luce, Marie's daughter's miniature black schnauzer, who I immediately fell in love with. Marie and I then walked up to King's cross after Hip had dropped me and got groceries. There were only about four homeless people which is apparently very unusual! We came back and I went for a swim in the pool which overlooks the harbour. The weather hasn't been the usual aussie sunshine but it was still a nice treat. I then ended the day by watching eastenders in the cinema room, yes cinema room and skyping.

Barrenjoey lighthouse at Palm beach

lighthouse view of ocean and Pittwater

aborigine at circular quay

Add caption

botanical gardens

government house, bot gardens
Sunday 22nd Jan. Apologies for the serious lack of blogging but I haven't had wi fi and have been moving around so haven't been able to get on here. However I have managed to upload photos to previous blogs so have a look! The past two days I've been out with Hip and Rob. On friday we went to Palm beach and all around that northern area looking at beaches. We had lunch at a great place called the Boathouse and I had an amazing steak sandwich. It was 25 degrees and we walked up a steep climb to a lighthouse which I found a bit too much I must say. Saturday Rob took me to a play put on by the Sydney theatre company called A  History of Everything. It was a very unusual play I felt as I hadn't seen anything like it but I really enjoyed it as it went back in time focusing on major events. Today I went to the Rocks market which is by circular quay. Going around there were loads of different little stalls. Many were selling jewellery with freshwater pearls, others were selling digjary doos, boomerangs, hats and even kangaroo testicles. There was also lots of food and I brought a strawberry cupcake. I had to be disciplined at the market as there was so much I liked but so little room in my suitcase. I went grabbed a sandwich and went on to the botanical gardens. I sat under a tree and ate my lunch looking at a great view of the harbour. The strangest bird flew down beside me. It looked like a cartoon with the whites of its eyes being yellow. Have been quite homesick lately but hopefully it will get better.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Will who I brought at the bridge climb centre

Thursday 19th Jan. Wow have just come back from the bridge climb. A really great experience and I would recommend it to anyone coming to Sydney. There were only eight of us which was nice and we had a great instructor called Caroline. First we were taken into a room in the centre and filled out forms while being breathalised. The weather was 22 degrees and 71% humidity. We then introduced ourselves to other members of the group. We were given our boilers suits and got changed before then going on to put on more equipment like radios and headphones, belts with latches and handkerchiefs which go on your wrist to mop up sweat or tears! Then we went up a simulated piece of bridge inside the centre to give us an idea of what it would be like. We then departed onto the bridge. Feeling a bit apprehensive I went at the front next to the instructor. We were clipped with our latches onto like wires which run alongside the bridge. At first you come out over a meshy floor so you can see beneath you down to the street. For me this was quite unnerving although I didn't want to make a fuss so just got on with it. We then carried on walking over the bridge until we got to some ladders. For me the ladders we the worst past as they're quite narrow and steep so I took my time on them. We then came out and walked over the arch of the bridge up to the summit while taking photos on the way. We also had our group photo with the background of fort denison and the opera house.A plane flew past and we waved so it tilted its wings to wave back. We went over to the west side of the bridge and under blinky bill which is the red light given by the queen to the bridge to show planes this high point. Coming back down I felt was harder as I couldn't see down the narrow ladders as well. However we all got back safe and sound and not to hot as there was a lovely cool breeze today although it meant that at some points of the climb we looked like michelin men. To see pics go to and use the code A77T-C7C6

Tuesday 17 January 2012

my own photo of zoo view

Wednesday 18th Jan. Leisurely morning waking up then went into Mosman and headed for Toronga Zoo. Was able to catch the bus which for me is quite an achievement as in England I always seem to miss them. A neighbour had lent me their guest pass which meant I got in for free rather than paying the $44. The Zoo looks out onto the harbour and has a spectacular view (see pic.) My main priority was to see the Koalas who were soooo cute, wrapped around trees sleeping. In the flesh they seem more podgy and remind me of old men. I then saw kangaroos in an open enclosure and there were lovely little babies so got some good pictures. There were also other australian animals like quokkas, platypuses, emus, wombats. Also saw a tasmanian devil (see pic) which was cool because I had no idea what they looked like. There were then the usual animals like bears, snow leopards, tigers, lions, elephants. Its been really hot here today, I think it was 28 degrees which for me is almost too hot. Have booked my bridge climb for tomorrow, wish me luck!

Monday 16 January 2012

Tuesday 17th Jan. Today Hip and Rob took me over to see some of Sydney's great beaches. We drove up past Manley to North Head. This is the entrance all ships must go through to get into Sydney harbour. We had a brilliant view of Sydney and its suburbs. It was like a nature park and had a lot of Australian bush around the footpaths. We then drove down to Manley and walked along the beach front. There were loads of Water dragons which are like Iguanas by the footpaths, some being quite big and I took lots of photos of them on my phone as they almost posed for me. We walked along to Shelley beach which is a pretty little place (in the pic). The water was so clear and it wasn't too busy which was nice. We then got an ice cream and then went back to Hip and Robs for lunch.

squinting at north head

view from north head

north head view
me wearing rob's hat!