Monday 16 January 2012

Tuesday 17th Jan. Today Hip and Rob took me over to see some of Sydney's great beaches. We drove up past Manley to North Head. This is the entrance all ships must go through to get into Sydney harbour. We had a brilliant view of Sydney and its suburbs. It was like a nature park and had a lot of Australian bush around the footpaths. We then drove down to Manley and walked along the beach front. There were loads of Water dragons which are like Iguanas by the footpaths, some being quite big and I took lots of photos of them on my phone as they almost posed for me. We walked along to Shelley beach which is a pretty little place (in the pic). The water was so clear and it wasn't too busy which was nice. We then got an ice cream and then went back to Hip and Robs for lunch.

squinting at north head

view from north head

north head view
me wearing rob's hat!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jodie
    The pictures look fantastic even if they are off google. Wobs said to go into a phone shop or electrical wholesaler and get a lead that goes from your phone to the computer.
    We have bought Benny a new basket and he is lording it at the moment. Miss you tons honey but so pleased you are making the most of your trip. I will hold my breath for the bridge climb tomorrow - I know you will be fine and you have so much determination. If you can do the D of E you can do the bridge!
    Everyone sends their love and kisses.
    Ju:):)xxx aka mum
