Wednesday 18 January 2012

Will who I brought at the bridge climb centre

Thursday 19th Jan. Wow have just come back from the bridge climb. A really great experience and I would recommend it to anyone coming to Sydney. There were only eight of us which was nice and we had a great instructor called Caroline. First we were taken into a room in the centre and filled out forms while being breathalised. The weather was 22 degrees and 71% humidity. We then introduced ourselves to other members of the group. We were given our boilers suits and got changed before then going on to put on more equipment like radios and headphones, belts with latches and handkerchiefs which go on your wrist to mop up sweat or tears! Then we went up a simulated piece of bridge inside the centre to give us an idea of what it would be like. We then departed onto the bridge. Feeling a bit apprehensive I went at the front next to the instructor. We were clipped with our latches onto like wires which run alongside the bridge. At first you come out over a meshy floor so you can see beneath you down to the street. For me this was quite unnerving although I didn't want to make a fuss so just got on with it. We then carried on walking over the bridge until we got to some ladders. For me the ladders we the worst past as they're quite narrow and steep so I took my time on them. We then came out and walked over the arch of the bridge up to the summit while taking photos on the way. We also had our group photo with the background of fort denison and the opera house.A plane flew past and we waved so it tilted its wings to wave back. We went over to the west side of the bridge and under blinky bill which is the red light given by the queen to the bridge to show planes this high point. Coming back down I felt was harder as I couldn't see down the narrow ladders as well. However we all got back safe and sound and not to hot as there was a lovely cool breeze today although it meant that at some points of the climb we looked like michelin men. To see pics go to and use the code A77T-C7C6

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