Saturday 28 January 2012

weighing the dumpling dough

steaming the food

making dumplings

King's Cross coke sign
Tuesday 24th Jan. Had planned on visiting the Sydney tower today but was hit by a wave of tiredness so decided to have as whats known in Australia as a 'blob' day. It was absolute bliss and I just napped and watched UKTV all day. We went out to Chinese restaurant Din Tai Fung in the evening which specialises in dumplings. I've always been pretty terrible with chopsticks but found them hard to eat even with a fork. The food was great though and feels so light going down, I suddenly realised how much I'd eaten and felt quite sick. We went to China town after which was surprisingly quiet considering it had been chinese new year the night before. We got some custard balls which were like mini doughnuts with hot custard in them and were so tasty. On the way back to the house I took a photo of the heritage listed King's cross coke sign. I also took a picture of the Harry's cafe de wheels stand while Tom got petrol although the photos aren't great so I haven't put them on.

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