Monday 16 January 2012

my room

my bathroom
Friday 13th Jan. After an emotional farewell at Heathrow, I departed for my travels on board the Qantas A380. At 11.15am we took off up the run way. The first leg seemed to take forever although I enjoyed looking at the flight planner to see what countries we were flying over. It seemed so strange to be flying over places like Afghanistan and India. I had an aisle seat and lucky the seat next to me was empty giving me a bit more space although it was still so uncomfortable. Eventually we landed in Singapore at 7.30am their time. It was great coming into Singapore and looking via the webcam that's on the plane tail at all the boats in the harbor. Quick refuel and we were off again. The second leg felt much quicker although I still had no luck sleeping and was craving a good nights sleep. Got to Sydney airport at 8.30pm and it was raining! Was picked up by Hip and Rob (my grandparents) and went back to their house in Mosman, Sydney. I was absolutely exhausted and they were probably not getting much out of me so we had a quick catch up and I went to bed. Seemed like I didn't sleep at all that night and felt so tired the next day. However was just glad I was off that plane!

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